Important Message Regarding DDPS Transaction Error Summary and DDPS Cumulative Beneficiary Summary Non-PACE Reports

Important Message Regarding the Following Reports Only:

DDPS Transaction Error Summary
DDPS Cumulative Beneficiary Summary Non-PACE

The following modifications are distributed for information purposes only; they have no impact on plans that have begun system coding using flat file layouts posted on Sept 27, 2005.

We noticed minor errors in the flat file layouts posted on September 23, 2005.

To avoid rework for any plan that coded using the Sept 23 layouts, we corrected the errors by adding filler fields instead of changing field positions.  We added filler fields in Report 4-Cumulative Beneficiary Summary Report: PTR and CTR records.  In the DDPS Error Transaction Report: HDR record we corrected the starting position of the trailing filler field from 46 to 51.

All other field positions remain unchanged from the original documentation.

Last Updated: 11/09/2008